Working Smart

“When there’s a will, there’s a way.” Despite the challenges imposed by life in lockdown, we were still able to produce quality materials for our clients.

The first being our #BetterDaysAhead campaign for Toyota. Comprised of two videos, the campaign communicated that the only way to move forward to tomorrow is to stop moving today.

The first film was crafted from footage of empty streets, with hopeful copy that encouraged people to stay at home so we can hasten the flattening of the curve.

The second, shorter video, showed traffic noises visualized as soundwaves. As the noises became silent, the curve flattened.

The next material we did – and quite the momentous FIRST it turned out to be – was the #LiveGiga campaign for SMART. The campaign communicates that, when nothing is certain, anything is possible – so go and let your passions run free. A true testament to the times we’re living in.

The main video for the campaign was produced completely from the comforts of home.

The agency and production teams monitored the entire shoot via zoom, as talents shot themselves with phones that were delivered to them.