A year has passed since our lives were irreversibly changed. From quarantines to telecommuting, online classes to e-numans, we’ve all strived to do what we do best in
challenging times: adapt, evolve and grow.
Join account manager and newly minted Radcaster Via Arboleda as she speaks with some people who help keep RadManila’s creative pulse beating.
In this premiere installment of The Radcast, things get raw and real as two individuals share how the lockdown has inspired, awakened and renewed their connection to their heartspace.
A self-confessed recovering chronic people pleaser and emotions suppressor gets out of his headspace and finally learns how to be kind to himself and embrace all the feels.
An accomplished industry leader discovers clarity and alignment amidst the chaos & noise, and finds the true meaning of purpose in service.
So spend some quality time with us as we try get to the heart of the things that truly matter.